Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We're learning Swahili!

We all need to start learning some Swahili which will make life a lot smoother and friendlier for all involved. I'll make some cards / pages with the basic words and phrases, and animal names with pictures, so that we can share them so long.

I found a cool program with talking flashcards, to help us learn the basics. It can be downloaded here: Download FREE Swahili language helper

For a few talking samples, go here.

For quizzes go here.


Hi team
These are the vaccines that are recommended. Please find out which ones you've already had and check if they're still valid!
I've put rough prices next to some, plus there's normally a consultation fee of about R120 but I think this can be shared if you go in a group.

I'm going to go to M-Kem which is up the road from my work (Durban Road Bellville), but another reasonable one is the Kenilworth Medicross Travel Clinic @ 67 Rosmead Ave (021 683 5867) - you'll need to book an appointment in advance. We should aim to get these done in January, as some of them need "top-up's" in a few months time (Hep). There is also a combo Hep A + B (R180) which is cheaper than having both separately but I think you have to go back for top-ups, and if you've already had one (A or B) then you won't need the combo.

Yellow fever R195
Required for all travelers arriving from a yellow-fever-infected area in Africa or the Americas
Hepatitis A R170
Recommended for all travelers
Typhoid R155
Recommended for all travelers
Cholera R??
Recommended by Al for us
Polio R150 (incl Tetanus)
One-time booster recommended for any adult traveler who completed the childhood series but never had polio vaccine as an adult
Hepatitis B R85
For travelers who may have intimate contact with local residents, especially if visiting for more than 6 months
Rabies R??
For travelers who may have direct contact with animals and may not have access to medical care
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) R??
Two doses recommended for all travelers born after 1956, if not previously given
Tetanus-diphtheria R150 (incl Polio)
Revaccination recommended every 10 years